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Posted by Serpwidgets on April 28, 2003 at 21:01:04:

In Reply to: Genetics 'n all posted by sasheena on April 28, 2003 at 20:13:32:

That list was made a couple of years ago, and IMO a lot of newer information on stuff has come out since then. I would suggest the following corrections, and my comments are in italics:

LA = Normal amount of red and black pigment.
la = No red, reduced or absent orange, and slightly reduced black pigment.

(I've got a lavender which is nothing but grays: light gray, lighter gray, and "almost white." Some (many? most?) show varying degrees of oranges between the saddles, from what I've seen this is especially more so as juveniles.)

AX = normal amount of red pigment
ax = Anerythristic… no red pigment, instead shades of grays, blacks, and browns. Yellow is often present in varying degrees.

Charcoal (Long ago called "Axanthic" ...until yellows started cropping up. Also sometimes referred to as "Anery B")
CH = normal amount of red and yellow.
ch = no red pigment, looks like AneryA, but generally with less contrast. Yellows are not as common in Charcoals, but still do appear in some individuals.

(There's no 100% method to distinguish Charcoal from Anerythristic by phenotype alone, except maybe as hatchlings. The absence/presence of yellow in adults as an indicator has proven unreliable.)

ZI = normal pattern.
zi = Zigzag converts varying amounts of the blotched pattern into a zigzag pattern. Belly is not affected.

(Zigzag may or may not act as a simple recessive or codominant. Some F1 "hets" will show some degrees of zigzagging. Extreme variations exist in the amount of "zagging" in presumed "homozygous" specimens. Getting near-fully zigged offspring becomes more likely with more ziggy parents. My personal theory, assuming it's a simple trait, is that this could be a result of breeding out other genetic influences which hamper the zigzagging gene's effects.)

Okeetee - Polygenic. This is not a single gene, but a result of natural selection and/or selective captive breeding efforts.

Miami - Polygenic. Same comments as Okeetee.

S = Normal color.
s = piebald… splotches of white

(There is not yet a proven genetic form of piebaldism, although there appeared to be something akin to it, which looked like it was an autoimmune problem, and the depigmentation was always accompanied by blistering. The bloodline inspring the listing was called "Calico" and the trait didn't take effect until adulthood.)

However, Frank Pinello has hatched an '02 that appears to express some type of piebald-like trait. Search the forum and you'll find it. :)

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