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Posted by h0mersimps0n on April 28, 2003 at 14:38:18:

In Reply to: Finally! posted by JM on April 28, 2003 at 14:20:38:

The day my okeetee laid she ate 3 mouse crawlers, exactly two days later she ate 9 crawlers and then three days later (yesterday) she ate 2 more crawlers (while completely white-glazed about to shed). Her pre-shed glaze has just gone away and she will be shedding in the next few days. I'm going to wait until she sheds then keep pounding her with the small stuff (cralers are only a few inches long) every other day until I feel her weight is back to where it was...

unfortunately my female seems to have lost a ton of weight despite my best efforts to feed her gross amounts during gravidity.

if the meals are small I don't see why you couldn't feed her every other day or every three days.

IMO these females deserve all they will eat

:Banshee laid 12 eggs on 4-13-03. (5 duds) I offered her some very small rat pinks imediately. She refused, and has continued to refuse. She finally shed today and ate a juevenile mouse! I only had one to offer her as it was not feeding day so I don't have any thawed. When I saw the shed I pulled a juevenile mouse I had been saving for a future breeder, dislocated it and tossed it into her.

:So~ Now that I finally got her to eat again. I am in the habbit of feeding every 5 to 7 days, but do you think I should offer her something every 3 days for a while just to bring her back up to wieght? She is suprisingly not much underwieght, but I'd like to see another 40 to 50 grams on her just to get her back to pre-breeding wieght.

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