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another assisted shed...pic

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Posted by IcedGoddess on April 27, 2003 at 11:59:08:

Yesterday Edana shed again, this time I noticed her having difficulty right as it started, and made her do 30 minutes in a tub of water and paper towels. And finaly we got a complete shed from her! This is probaby the first complete shed in her last 4. I don't get why she has so much trouble. The other 3 are kept in identicle set-ups and have no problems shedding what so ever. Anyway, if you squint hard enough, you can see she is going to loose the tiny tip of her tail, but at least it's only the tip, and she finally got all that old skin OFF!
her skin is in the middle there, and the paper towels are at water level, so it looks all slimy;) but it's just wet:) This pic is very true to her real color also, she's showing less and less white with each shed.

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