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vacuum sealed???

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Posted by IcedGoddess on April 24, 2003 at 11:55:09:

In Reply to: can you all suggest a frozen mice supplier? posted by ronda on April 23, 2003 at 14:40:11:

Rhonda, are those vacuum sealed INDIVIDUALLY? I would love to buy a 100's of mice/rats at a time, but with only 4 snakes, it's cheaper to buy quantity, but by the end of the bad the mnice look icky. I've actually considered geting one of those vacuum sealers for the kitchen and sealing them individually myself.

(BTW, Rodent Pro has a huge sale going on right now on feeders)

:I recommend Their prices are very reasonable, and the quality of the mice is unbeatable. All animals arrive vacuum sealed, so I can order several months worth of mice at once, and don't have to worry about freezer burn. Their customer service is top notch. If for some bizarre reason I actually had to eat a mouse, I would want it to have come from The Mouse Factory.

:I've ordered from once as comparison, since their prices are slightly cheaper (or at least they were last year -- haven't compared this year). I found their communication to be lacking (did not get prompt responses to my emails or phone calls) but their mice were high quality. No vacuum packing. I guess it just depends on what your priorities are.

:Good luck,

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