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What do crocodiles have to do with it?

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Posted by Serpwidgets on April 22, 2003 at 08:23:37:

In Reply to: are you kidding me? posted by novakaine on April 21, 2003 at 17:54:23:

I didn't get into breeding Ball Pythons, so I never found out the outcome of everything, but for at least a while it was seriously believed (and even appeared in the authoratative texts on BPs) that incubation temperatures (especially at the end of the period) were responsible for (non-genetic) striping in Ball Pythons.

I recall seeing different "types" of striping, one being a yellow stripe going all the way down the back, the other being the absence of yellow on the back, making for a dark stripe down the spine. I don't know if either or both of these were genetic or incubation-temp-induced.

I believe that at some point between now and then, there has been a genetic form of striping discovered in Ball Pythons, but I honestly don't pay attention to BPs since I got into corns, nor do I care.

The point is, before you decide to leap head first down someone's throat, you might want to consider that their question is a valid one. Maybe they know something you don't, which would give them a good reason to ask.

Nobody has yet proven that incubation temps cannot affect patterns in cornsnakes. Until that has been proven (which will be a LOT of work) it remains a valid question.

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