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woah, this is weird and so long...sorry

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Posted by carrotfairy on May 14, 2003 at 11:40:49:

i just got 3 collared lizards. one is an adult male and the other two are juveniles. they were found together under a rock (family maybe). they are very tame and taking to captivity very well. only one problem. i was told the two little ones were males. so...i shouldn't keep them with the adult male or together at that. trouble is, i seperated them from the adult and he went berserk! he was trying to escape for 3 days and when he wasn't trying to escape he was sleeping from the exhaustion of trying to escape. finally i put him back in with the two littles and everything was fine. what's really strange is that he let's THEM bask directly under the light. he waits his turn so nice and patiently. he let's THEM eat first. is this normal? especially if they are male. and even if the two littles are female wouldn't he still be dominant over them? i mean he goes OUT of his way to let them have all the comforts first. he's acting like some big pushover. i'm not new to reptiles but this has got me stumped.

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