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to much detail for yah eve?LOL-its only nature.

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Posted by jason111 on May 03, 2003 at 17:54:09:

In Reply to: thats you NEVER seize to amaze me LOL posted by eve on May 03, 2003 at 16:26:53:

:::::give her energy,once in a while i will sorta force feed her a pinkie but before i do this i load its stomach with a calci/vit supplement.Now it gets gory:do not defrost the pinkie yet,instead take a sharp utility knife and push it into the stomach and wiggle side to side,this creates a cavitity in the stomach-fill this with the supp and then defrost,hole side up.Now if you take the collard in one hand and the pinkie in the other hand,using a finger nail pry open her mouth and gently introduce the pinkie into her mouth(tip:squeeze out some brain onto snout)and with any luck she'll swallow.Hope this helps.
:::::see yah
::::::i may not be able to get baby food today. i'm going to try a bit more with the mealworm.... wih parrots we add some karole (sp?) syrup to water for some needed energy.





::EWWWW I would fatter her up another way though, I could not do that, I draw the line at the bugs, cant do the furry thing especially messy with its dead body :0( Jason, Jason ,Jason, you sieze to amaze me LOL


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