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Young Female showing salmon colors need answers!

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Posted by GEM on May 03, 2003 at 16:51:50:

Came home yesterday and the kids brought Zena to me. Couldn't believe the colors on her. They were so vibrant! They weren't there when I went to work. She is only approximately 6 - 7 months old. I got her at Christmas as a mate For Scholtz who is approximately 10 - 12 months old. I did not let them Hybernate this winter, being new to this was worried I might do something wrong without educating myself first. Been reading the different postings regarding Gravid females but still unsure of exact meaning of the colors. With the colors is she 1: shall we say in heat; 2:with eggs.
And, how do I know if the male has done his job or should I seperate due to age and circumstances or go with the flow. I'm set up so that I can take care of eggs if I have to. Any info is greatly appreciated.

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