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today Clayton

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Posted by whoaitsz on May 02, 2003 at 13:18:17:

looks better. his color andall looks better and he is a little less lethargic. me and dad tried toget him to eat again but he's not interested.

i found a syringe i needed years ago unopened and pushed some water to his mouth...... he was -thirsty-. he has a water dish at all times he goes to but I am thinking he may not be drinking as much as he should. he _really_ liked the water from the syringe.

so i put him in a little container and have him under a heated lamp again so he can get very warm, hopefully o encourage eating the mealworm in his container.

my dad said we'll give him a little more water every hour to be sure he's not dehydrated. if he was, i am _relieved_ because we can rehydrate.....

if he will not eat by tonight i'll have to force feed him. this is a 'there are no other options' scenario. i really, really don't want to force feed him.... but, we are fighting for him.
i am much calmer now..... last night... scared me and my parents.
he looked sooooooooooooooo horrible. his color is much better now
(and no, it isn't a shedding issue)

Iguanabelikejesus, you mentioned baby food before. what kind?
i never imagind i'd do this but i'm thinking of puret some mealworm and feeding him that with a syringe also.

but... he looks better than he did!

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