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Wow ! Quite interesting, I'm not sure but I raised them >>

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Posted by eve on April 29, 2003 at 18:19:42:

In Reply to: Waxworm Disaster Question of the Week...(long-OT) posted by DC on April 29, 2003 at 16:45:48:

:I just divided my (overly) thriving wax moth colony into several new containers filled with some freshly made bran/honey mix. Result: Colony wiped from the face of the earth. The only thing I can think of which could have killed the waxworms off this effectively would be some type of contamination or pesticide residue in the honey I used. This honey WAS from a private beekeeper, so my question is: Since the wax moth IS a pest of beehives, is there something that could have been in the honey that is a specific for wax moth larvae? Never had this type of major die-off before...


And always mixed the honey and bran mixture for them. Seems as though it was definetly something with your honey or where it came from, how about the container you used, was it washed with anything harmful ? Very weird indeed, and a Bummer ! Well ya don't have a THRIVING COLONY anymore, time to start over :0) Eve

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