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Posted by Dragon Master on April 29, 2003 at 13:02:42:

I just recently got an Eastern Collared Lizard. I think it's a male because there is a slight bulge at the base of the tail. I Chose him because he was the hardest to catch. I currently have him in a 75 gallon tank with three anoles, a golden gecko, a Turkish gecko and a leopard gecko(I have two leos,which I rotate between the 75 gal and a ten gal as I am getting a cage w/divider so I can keep them by themselves as they are both male). When I get the leos in their own cage, I am going to try a varied environment that goes from tropical to arid. That way, the anoles and the goldie will have their niches and the Turkish and the Collared, whose name is Schrade, will have their niche. I also plan on trying loose plants w/soils rather then the traditional wood Chips/Calcisand/walnut shells and I may put in a small pond on the tropical side. I did this before and the anoles hung out on one side and the Golden and the Turkish hung out on the other. Is there anything I should know about Collared Lizards aside from the basic crickets/mealworms/heat/UV basking spot 90 +?

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