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Posted by sbshortie on April 27, 2003 at 03:48:55:

In Reply to: Questions posted by dennis447 on April 27, 2003 at 00:41:58:

I actually feed them 2 or 3 times a day and I only give them as much as they can eat. Since my boy is a better eater than my girl I usually put down one cricket for him to chase and then let the girl take one off of a spoon...and I will give them some crickets and then give them each a mealworm or two right in front of them...I only leave food in a dish if I will be gone for a while

::My lizards are actually the same age and they eat wax worms and crickets twice a day. They started eating a few hours after I got them in the mail. I don't know what to do about yours tho...maybe crickets :)

:::How often should babies eat mine are around 4 weeks of age. I just got them the other day. I have tried to feed them mealworms and waxworms as of now and they have not taken them. Is it because of them trying to get used to there new environment or what. This just makes the second day I have had them. Tell me when I should get worried. Thanks for all the help from the last post it really helped me set up there habitat and everything.


: Really now that makes me worry. How do you feed yours. On the sand or out of a feed dish. I got mine in a plastic lid about a half to a quarter of an inch deep. Do you think this could be part of the problem. Thanks and let me know.

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