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Here is a good info site, nice pics too>>>>>>>>

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Posted by jumbo on April 26, 2003 at 12:05:38:

In Reply to: Here is a good info site, nice pics too>>>>>>>> posted by muffin on April 25, 2003 at 19:14:57:

:it says that you shouldn't use a heatrock for your lizard. I've been using it for month's, is that ok? it also says that you shouldn't use a water dish. I also use a water dish is that ok? If not what should i use instead.

There are some problems (to much heat and fire) with heat rocks. Further it is not natural that the warm comes from the bottom. I think it is better with a heating light ower some rocks.
I also use a water dish and have always done so - but haver never seen the lizards drink from it. Just remember to change the water every day or every second day.

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