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oi,it wisnae me-honest,i've never owned a platey!lol

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Posted by jason111 on April 22, 2003 at 17:51:14:

In Reply to: Newly acquired Collard Lizard, acclimation:questions???? posted by JustinM. on April 22, 2003 at 14:25:47:

:I purchased a collard lizard at the New England reptile convention this past Saturday. I decided to get him/her because I haven't had one since I was 14. Collard lizards are one of my favorite lizards...............Anyways, I'm having eating problems.
: He/she is robust, alert and active. I currently have him/her housed in a 15 gallon long with a yellow throated plated lizard I'm trying to recouporate back to health. Both lizards aren't eating and I have placed them together since they share rather the same set up: desert. They don't bother each other and bask near each other. I have one side of the cage with a soil/play sand substrate and rocks for basking and a piece of pottery smashed to make a cave for hiding. The spot bulb is placed over a rock with a 75 watt soft-white bulb. On the other side of the cage, the cool side, there is a large, broad leafed fern plant, the water dish and soil as the substrate.
: My collard lizard has not ate anything since I purchased him/her............I have only tried crickets since I haven't gone out to the pet store for waxworms, pinkies and/or superworms. I don't remember my previous collard lizard being a finicky eater; rather he was a voracious eater. Do you think heat may be an issue and I should add 1 more bulb??? My room temperatures vary from 75 during the day and drop to 70 at night. I have alot of herps and inverts in my bedroom so the ambient temperature is just right and each individual animals' cage allows for proper thermoregulation from a hot spot to a cool side. Any thoughts/suggestions? Thanks!

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