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a little help.......maybe!

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Posted by jason111 on April 21, 2003 at 09:29:26:

In Reply to: Egg help posted by bseery on April 21, 2003 at 02:02:23:

first some question's for you:
what is the exact temp's?
how long have the eggs been like that?(sunk in)
do the temps fluctuate between80-95 range?
You never know if the eggs are duds until a good week or so down the line when they will sink in like your's have and generally start to rot away but if you have just got them i would give it time to see if they fill out,it only takes about 10 minutes for these eggs to dehydrate in a collards tank.You may have read my previous posts about my eggs although they haven't sunk in,they have went moldy so my advice is never give up until they are well and truly rotten eg:sunk in,yellowed and split open.Oh and another thing temp fluctuations are bad,really bad so i would cover the incubator with some sort of insulation material(i used 1in thick polystyrene)also air the eggs once a day (i just open the lid for a few sconds and give the eggs a visual)
good luck and don't give up!
see yah jason:)
:I have read all I can find out on this board about care for the eggs of my collard lizard. The information is scattered and spotty.
:My female laid 6 eggs, 2 look to be pretty hollow, but I didn't throw them out.
:I got the eggs out of the cage as soon as I found out she laid them and buried them. I put them into a smaller container that was filled with very moist "bed-a-beast" which is a dirt/bark/mulch like bedding we use for our green anoles.
:I made sure to get it very damp in there, but no standing water where the eggs are.
:I am keeping it in the 80-95 degree range.
:4 of the eggs look very wrinkled and not what I would call "full", the other 2 look to be very hollow.

:Have I done the right steps so far? Will these eggs fill out, or are they already beyond hope?

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