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Re: Can you give me some ideas.......

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Posted by DC on April 17, 2003 at 22:29:06:

In Reply to: Can you give me some ideas....... posted by breakfastatme on April 17, 2003 at 21:54:02:

:on getting enough crickets.

:I have many lizards to feed now and my collards are big eaters. Buying crickets every few days is, but when I buy a whole bunch they die before I use them. I can go through about 8 dozen a week. What do you guys do? Buying them as needed is getting to be a bit much. Can you share some of your ideas?
Order 1000 3/4" off the net. Don't overheat them and make sure they have the proper conditions and foods/water available, and they *should* survive for the 10 weeks it would take for your lizards to consume that many. I say *should* because I run through a thousand way before 10 weeks LOL. I keep a thousand in a large (32 x 20 x 16) Sterilite-type tub container with a bunch of 2" screen-covered holes drilled in the lid. Humidity is the enemy. I use a sprinkling of sphagnum moss
in the bottom of the container as an inert absorbant material, which helps attenuate the swings in the humidity and neutralize odors. Some clean paper/cardboard egg cartons or flats are the standard for hides; I also like to use paper towel tubes, since they crawl up inside them and give you a "pre-charged" dose of crickets which can get dumped right into the duster. I like to use fresh orange wedges as a water source, and I switch from crushed dry catfood to non-medicated chick starter this time of year, since I'm also hatching out hundreds of chicks in the spring seasons. Always remove any spoiled or moldy food or substrate DAILY and the crix should grow into big ol' honkin' bugs by the time you are getting low on numbers.
Wash, rinse, repeat LOL.
Look over on the feeder forums for some ideas too.

I breed *all* my own feeder insects now....


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