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I've brumated snakes before, just not lizards...

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Posted by Lyn on April 04, 2003 at 08:23:35:

In Reply to: Pretty kids. Was this your first hibernation? n/m posted by kristinl568 on April 04, 2003 at 06:46:36:

Last year was my first year to brumate snakes, this year was my first year to hibernate lizards. My Savannah Monitor went into a self induced hibernation this year for the first time. Scared the heck out of me. He is always hungry, will eat anything anytime of any day. Last fall he refused his first meal. I was in tears! Thought he was sick and going to die. After about a month of refusing food I realized he must be going through his own hibernation type deal. He actually stayed active the whole winter, just wouldn't eat. I offered him food twice a week and he'd turn his head like a little baby. He did lose weight, but since he was overweight to begin with it was actually a good thing. Then all of a sudden he got his appetite back and is back to his old "always hungry" self. I may or may not start hibernating my Leos next year. Lots of people don't, so I'm on the fence. My Collareds are WC and I do hope to breed them when they are big enough. I actually didn't plan to hibernate them till next winter, but last fall they all wandered over to the cool side, curled up under one of their caves, and stopped eating. So it was their choice to do it this year. Nature is amazing. And seeing it first hand is a wonderful experience.

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