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I think they will be fine together . . .

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Posted by iguanabelikejesu on April 03, 2003 at 19:27:15:

In Reply to: Re: Clayton is on his way posted by whoaitsz on April 03, 2003 at 13:27:07:

~I'm so glad to hear that he made it and is recovering from his cross-country trip.

As long as the enclosure is big enough, I would think they would be fine together. However, you have to ask yourself, "Is Clayton big enough to eat her?". He has eaten pinky mice before, but has always been a docile lizard. The choice is up to you. He and Camille were a cute couple together, so I would think they would do okay together as well.

:welp, he's here!:) b e a u t i f u l dude, too. he's big! lilly is like half his size, though she's like a year old. should ibe worried about Lilly???

:Clayton is doing pretty well. he's very friendly and, of course, in a bit of shock but he's actually already ate two crickets so he's snapping out of it. he seems to like us just fine. i'm letting him kind of calm down. :) I'll give more details as they come.

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