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Re: Good thing you seen those thorns...

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Posted by GEM on March 30, 2003 at 12:27:49:

In Reply to: Good thing you seen those thorns... posted by johne on March 30, 2003 at 11:29:17:

The problem being is my guy (scholtz) I bought first is, from what the pet store knows, approx 9-10 mths. old. ???? He came in at a larger size, malnutritioned and dehydrated. The pet store brought him back to good health. My girl (Zena) we know is captive bred or taken from outside nest (if this is possible)she is 4/5 months and very healthy and outgiong. The reason I ask about pinkies is because I am thinking about breeding feeders due to our lack of resources here in New Brunswick and thought this could help and a way to get my garage up and running. Seeing I use it for my rabbits I might as well heat it and use it for various resources in the reptile world, mice, crickets, worms. Might be a lot of work but we'll try it and see how it goes.

:Wow, unless they were raising their collareds with their cactuses, I'd have to say someone was confused when they said the lizards were captive bred.

:As for feeding pinkies...My rule of thumb is, "if it will fit in their mouth, they will eat it." I seldom, if ever feed pinkies to my collareds. I have never had problems fattening up lizards on mealworms, waxworms, or crickets. I have supplemented with babyfood before too. Best of luck with your new pair. Since they were small when you got them, they should have no trouble adjusting to captivity.

:John Eddington

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