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Re: Sounds Great ! Nothing like being surrounded by nature>>

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Posted by eve on March 11, 2003 at 07:35:56:

In Reply to: Re I stumble around about 25 mile north of Houston Tx>>> posted by dvl on March 10, 2003 at 22:47:08:


:We are swampy compared to central & west Texas but winters mild enough and summers hot enough for lizards like Agamas & Collareds & chucks to survive year round. The chucks & others are in a pen-- but a couple of Agamas got loose & survived. There is very little chance of me destroying the world with these lizards being " introduced exotics" as the next closest rocks are 100 miles away. I am surprized I have kept the fire ants under control enough as to not eat everything. I have a rock garden out front ( 80 ft X 40 ft ) and a larger shady bed with dogwood & azaleas on one side-- then the small mudhole pond out back is loaded with red ear sliders, mud & musk & snapping turtles , a few snakes here & there, frogs and "minners". Maybe some Bluegill but no large fish. Years back I had a breeding population of Collareds in the front yard. I never could handle & catch them but what a sight--- A big ol Blue/Green Male sitting there when I got home--I could catch a grasshopper and hold it on my shoulder while placing my hand within a foot o fthe liz---he would run up my arm to get the food but would not let me actually handle him. I belive the fire ants killed that whole project over a few years. Along with an Alligator Lizard & Graet PLains Skink that lived there.

:I guess I figure I can take a mini vacation every day after work to some eco- system or the other!!

:Keeps me out of trouble



::: basking next to the driveway. My wife was telling me of what must have been a fight for territory------ Four adult Blue Spineys live in one area and the Agama lives in a rock pile about 25 ft away. She said there was a bunch of "chasing each other around"---- The Agama was on one the pile with the Blues. He later returned to his ol home place.

:::About that chuck doing all that wobbling & stumblin' around --I ain't gonna knock him too much -I do that on the weekends myself at times!!!


::Where do you live that you have this Awesome lizard haven right outside? Geez, I would be fascinated, except my hubby would probably go nuts, because i'd be feeding them all and having them follow me in the house :0) Wow thats sounds like a cool place David ! I'm in NJ I could go to the pine barrens and see some cool stuff I guess ! Or just go upstairs to the lizard room hahhaha . Eve

It sure sounds nice, swampy too, Sounds like you have a new adventure everyday living there, like being a kid and going out to search for snakes and looking under rocks for things :0) I was a tom boy, animal nut, always had garter snakes , and all sorts of furry friends, but it was only about 4-5 years ago that reptiles became a BIG part of my life. I only hope that our next home has a good piece of ground and is as cool as yours seems to be, good finally talking with you, keep watching and posting pics of those good looking YARD LIZARDS !!! :0) Eve

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