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I'm glad I'm able to post pictures again.....

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Posted by Marty Feldner on November 11, 2002 at 00:43:53:

In Reply to: Thanks for the pics Marty............. posted by tgreb on November 09, 2002 at 11:38:59:

The picking were very slim in terms of chuck activity this year. Hopefully we'll have a wet winter to get the animals healthy again. Overall, I'm sure things were a little slower due to the drought in so many places and that probably was reflected in the activity on the FC forum. I don't go the the FC forum much since Tom added the forum top out website. I like the smaller venue and the lower profile on the Reptiles of AZ forum.

I don't know anyone who has the camera you mentioned but I seriously considered one before I settled on the Sony dsc-f707. The lens on the cd400 is made by the same manufacturer as the dsc-f707 and with the 4mp ability I would imagine it takes some pretty sharp pictures. One of the things that made a difference in my choice was the night shooting capabilities of the dsc-f707.

Here's a picture taken at night at the 3mp setting

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