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new tank and setup help

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Posted by chimbakka on May 08, 2003 at 20:27:57:

In Reply to: new tank and setup help posted by vegetell on May 08, 2003 at 11:22:46:

If you definately want a cham, than you won't be able to get any other kind of lizzard, sorry :( I know, it would look amazingly cool...
Chameleons are very sensitive to a lot of kinds of bacteria that other lizzards usually aren't, and so having other animals in there could make your cham sick. That, and they like to be alone, so other lizzards could cause stress.
You will also find that a chameleon alone is a TON of work, lol. That, and I'm sure it would love the WHOLE cage to itself.
If you want a cham I would suggest a veild or panther. Both are good "beginner" species, however of the two the veild is the hardiest. If you are up for a little more responsiblity, and want something with truly amazing colours, I would go with a panther. You can find lots of pics of the different morphs on sites such as Also, try and buy one that is at least five months old. That way you can be sure if it is male or female (the petstore SHOULD know, but just in case - I drove two hours for my male ambanja that turned out to be female!lol). I would even consider a little older.. like six or seven months. That way you know you are proably getting a fairly strong cham.. younger ones can die just from "natural selection" and are more prone to sickness. (My poor baby had a URI when I got her at three months.. it's a LOT of work to look after a sick cham.)
One more thing... I would checkout, if you haven't already .It is a great site with lots of info on different species and husbandry advice.
Have fun with the cage, it sounds like a wonderful gift!

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