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Are the risks worth it?

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Posted by lele on May 08, 2003 at 12:23:56:

In Reply to: Are the risks worth it? posted by Joel_Fish on May 08, 2003 at 10:36:53:

Hi Joel,

the pesticide issue is a bigger concern than many people think. I am a degreed horticulturist pursuing (another)degree in entomology so I feel confident in my advice. Because of synthetic fertilizers, thus high salt content, ground water contamination, etc. any sub-surface larva may become toxic (due to the above) from consuming in this environment even if they are not naturally toxic. Some parts of the country spray for mosquitoes and West Nile Virus (usually done at night so you may not even know), thus toxins.

Once in a great while MIGHT be OK, but for my money, it is not worth the risks. Be interested in Big T's comments...



:Thank you for that post! Those are my concerns exactly!

:I think that I need to be convinced that this is a good idea and so far, I'm not.

:The downsides are pesticides, parasites and toxicity. The upside is better nutrition from the variety of foods that the insect feeds on. The recommendation is to keep the insects for a week to clean their gut of bad stuff and you're also supposed to feed them yourself during this time. How is this any different than what we already do with our captive feeders? What about insects that have low levels of toxicity that won't kill your cham, but just make it feel bad?

:I'd really like to hear some experienced people weigh in on this one.

:Joel Fish

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