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Posted by icequeen on May 05, 2003 at 23:23:12:

In Reply to: OVERHEATING!!!!!! posted by Chamsrcool on May 05, 2003 at 19:22:43:

When you mention the temps, are you referring to cage temps? Or outside temps?
If it's the cage temps are you meaning that the ENTIRE cage was 80 degrees?
Zoe's basking spot runs about 85 I guess that's what I"m not understanding...whether your chams cage was 80 degrees throughout, or what?
Or do Jacksons have vastly different temp requirements than a veiled?

:for the past very days the temp has been going up. yesturday it was about 60 high. today got to 80 and i found my jackson rolling around at the bottom of his cage. He felt really warm so i turned on the sink and let if slowly cool off as the water did too. he seemed blind for a while,his eyes were sunk in, his mouth open and he had some very odd coloration. slowly now he is comeing back to normal his eyes are back out he is looking around but he can seem to cordinate his legs. he can grib and hang on but he will let go of one leg and try to move it forward but it just sortof shakes al little and then he cant find the branch for a while.

:is there any way to help him more beside going to the vet becuase they are closed.

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