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Posted by chimbakka on May 05, 2003 at 19:47:12:

In Reply to: OVERHEATING!!!!!! posted by Chamsrcool on May 05, 2003 at 19:22:43:

I don't know much about Jackson's. But, I would try and get him to drink as much as possible to help recover fluids lost. You can use an eye dropper and he will probably drink from it if he is that thirsty. You may even want to mix in some pedialyte (sp?) that is unflavoured into the water. It helps stabalize electrolites and is for the prevention and recovery of dehydration. You will probably also want to keep the humidity as high as possible for a few weeks. Do you know how long the temp spiked for? If he was only heated up a short while the extra fluids should be enough, I would think. If not he may need a special diet or something to help him recover. Dehydration can be hard on the system, and he may need something to help his kidneys and/or liver out a bit.
But, this is all speculation. I have never owned Jackson's or had my cham overheated.... That is basically what you would do for a person who is dehydrated, and I would think the biology of chams would be similar.
Go heavy on the water! You can never over do it!
Good luck

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