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Building a new cage soon. Need advice/suggestions/comments

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Posted by Chameleon996 on April 29, 2003 at 21:52:37:

In Reply to: Building a new cage soon. Need advice/suggestions/comments posted by Jack31081 on April 29, 2003 at 18:44:16:

My dad just got done building a cage for me that I designed and it looks pretty good to me. It is 3x3x2 screened sides and top with a screen front and a door centered in the front that goes from top to bottom. The back and bottom are covered with pebble board, it's kinda expensive ($40.00 a sheet), but it wipes of easily and is water proof. My dad had some left over after redoing mom's laundry room.

Any way the bottom has a hole cut in it roughly 2x2 and that is covered with screen. The whole cage is attatched to a base that is about 9 inches tall and I can slide a sweater tub under the hole. The tub is the same size as the hole and I can position my drip above the screened hole and catch the water in the tub. The tub easily slides out for me to empty it and the bottom of my cage stays dry.

Hope this helps

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