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re: about waxworms and gutloading...

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Posted by StevetheVeiled on April 28, 2003 at 15:42:29:

In Reply to: about waxworms and gutloading... posted by Kaitlyn on April 28, 2003 at 14:36:34:

i have kept waxworms, but since i don't use them as a 'staple', i've never had a lot of them at one time. although, i have had them long enough that they have turned into bee moths. i have 3 moths in my panther cage right now. i just keep them in the container i buy them in and give them some greens to eat (no idea if they actually eat them or not). i gutload and dust my crix and silkworms (hissing cockroaches on the way, too).

:I have started to purchase waxworms for my jax and veiled, and i need to know how to properly feed and house them. I ordered them from LLL Reptile, and they come in a container with wood shavings. Do i keep them in this substrate? Or just keep them in a substrate-free container? Also, what can I feed them so they won't get wet or turn black and die? Thanks for any info, i can keep crickets just fine, but all my worms keep on dieing or losing weight and I don't know why. I have tried lettuce and dry cereals, but i don't know if that is what i should feed them.



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