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My crickets stink! Help me out!

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Posted by lele on April 28, 2003 at 08:46:07:

In Reply to: My crickets stink! Help me out! posted by Jack31081 on April 28, 2003 at 01:58:21:

I have heard about the oatmeal idea but I also heard it harbors parasites easily. I only keep about 20 since I don't have my cham yet but feed them to my tarantula. I use paper towel on the bottom of the tank so I can easily take it out and replace it. This way you are not having to deal with replacing substrate.

Another cause is the dead ones! It's amazing how much a single dead crix can smell! Try and remove any dead ones as soon as you can. This will help minimize the smell. Hope this helps!


:Currently I keep about 500 crickets at a time in a big rubbermaid bin w/ plenty of egg crate, food and water bites. About a week after getting a new shipment, I have to clean out the whole bin because it stinks so bad.

:Is there anything I can do to reduce the stink? Can I add some kind of substrate or something? If there's anything, let me know!

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