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It's kinda scarey...

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Posted by icequeen on April 24, 2003 at 23:29:44:

In Reply to: Well, it's decided... posted by chimbakka on April 24, 2003 at 22:07:26:

It's kinda scarey to think that the SPCA can't tell the difference between a boy and girl cat! I didn't realize it was THAT difficult....
I'm going to have to go home and start lifting tails to make sure my animals are named appropriately!
Could you imagine the sexually confused cat I'll have if BECKY turns out to be a BOY!?
Hmmmmm....but that might explain "her" crappy attitude!

j/k...I know she's a girl...along with my other cat and my dog.

:There isn't really any obvious way to tell the sexes apart in panthers. The males have the bulge, but that is hard to tell in babies. More experienced people can tell the difference before the colours come in, but Orion is my first.
:It's kinda funny. I got my kitty, Bonzai, from the Toronto SPCA as a boy. She is a girl. Lol. I guess it's a trend I have going on or something. *checks chest*. Yup, I'm still a girl. Lol.

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