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Julie and Jsutin a few questions...

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Posted by StevetheVeiled on April 23, 2003 at 14:14:02:

In Reply to: Julie and Jsutin a few questions... posted by jusmebabe on April 23, 2003 at 13:39:02:

Thanks. I bought all these cages from Reptile Haven in California - great price. I built my first cage and it's now my 'outdoor' cage. On my 2nd cage, it wasn't worth the money and effort to build something that would be really close to the ones I bought, so I did. Very happy with them. You can see the cages on eBay, actually. The base of my cages actually screws into the sides and the whole thing is connected. Nice and sturdy. I have 'bases' in mind, for drainage, but I haven't gotten to them yet. As for the vines, I use the framing of the cage to support the vines, so it doesn't pull on the screening. I use a corner and wrap around 2 different angles and it won't slide that way. I'm using planting wire to hang things (twists are on the outside of the cage) and then I use artificial vines to cover the wires (to protect their tongue for possible damage on the wires). The pics I showed were not totally up to date, so I'll try to get a few new pics tonight and post them here.

:I really like your cage set ups and i have the same cage and will be getting more. My question is how did you attach the bio vine? I want to get more for the 2 cages i'm going to get but don't ant to tear the screen in order for it to attach it. Secondly where f
:did you buy your cages? Just curious as mine look identical and the bottom is not attached but sits on the egdes of the sides...
:Thanx for your reply :)

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