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the semantics of "gravid"...more

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Posted by lele on April 22, 2003 at 22:28:57:

In Reply to: dumb rookie question posted by compasscreek on April 21, 2003 at 19:49:02:

Hi cc,

I find this to be interesting timing...on a trantula board that I frequent this very topic has recently been much debated! I hope the "author" of this ATS post will not mind me using it:

"I've been thinking, I know that a few on the list have had issue with the term'gravid' because a female is merely full of eggs and those eggs are not fertilized until time of laying.

'Full of eggs' just seems like lousy terminology.
What about using a term for a mated female such as 'inseminated'?
This would imply a successful breeding but not the fertilization of the eggs. I guess the adjective 'mated' is not too bad either"

Well that debate continued and "Full of Eggs" turned into FOE -and there were many others. Point being that the meaning of "gravid" seems to depend on the source...even the dictionaries - check it out.

So, although I didn't actually answer your question I am hoping you realize that even the ol' timers question things!!


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