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blind panther: experienced herpers needed!

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Posted by davemwd on April 22, 2003 at 00:41:11:

I'm looking for some suggestions from some of you experts out there. I've got a blind Panther, he's been this way for a year. Eats by hand feeding, eats well. Looks well. In fact, he is quite healthy considering. I went to the vet when this problem first appeared. He was treated with antibiotics. This didn't help. It appears to be a "film" over his eyes. My Guess is that his sheds on his eyes have fused and now he has a scale over them. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Has anyone ever had antibiotics ruin the eye lenses? His enclosier has been pretty steril. No plants.
(the culprit was probably the ficus tree in his first cage)
He gets misted at 15 minutes four times a day. 80 degrees, full sunlight, outdoors when ever possible. Obviously I'm a little gunshy at taking him to the vet again! However, if anyone has had this problem before and can shed some light on this problem(no pun intended!) Then perhaps I could search for another vet and have a little more ammo in the remedy department. I'd like to have an idea of what I'm up against. (the last vet had also indicated that if the ointment didn't do the trick, then there was little he could do.) I was reading of a similar post back in March. If the poster reads this, how did your chameleon fare?
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

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