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Posted by icequeen on April 21, 2003 at 16:05:12:

In Reply to: Alrighty..... posted by Gunther on April 21, 2003 at 15:48:13:

an OFFER to help???
Because if it was, it sure didn't sound like it.
It sounded more like a criticism because "if I knew anything about chams I would know what he's doing".

You are the only person on this entire forum that has come at me like sounded confrontational and nasty. I'm sure I'm not the only one who preceived your post that way...but because it was directed at ME, I was the one who replied.

I have never denied that I'm learning about chams on the MY cham was on the verge of being walked out on and left in an empty apartment to die!!

So...I guess since I know nothing about chams, in your opinion, I should of just left him there to starve to death rather than take him in and provide for him.

Considering my knowledge IS limited, I think I'm doing DAMN good job at caring for my cham.

My cham has had veterinary care, as well as conscientious home care as well as a varied diet, live plants in his enclosure, temperature and humidity gauges, proper lighting...every single one of these items are what has been purchased by ME since bringing Zoe into my home, and all things he lived without for the first two years of his life!!!
He is having a custom made enclosure being built as we speak, because his current enclosure (the one the previous owners have housed him in for two years) is too small, and inappropriate.

Bottom line don't know me, you don't know HOW I care for my cham...and there was NO reason for you to be so nasty in the way you posted to me.

So NO...I don't want your advice.

:There are other things he couldv'e been doing, but you don't want help I guess.


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