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sorry, read this 1, that 1 messed up...

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Posted by corn_snake_123 on April 20, 2003 at 03:21:47:

In Reply to: Beginner Chameleon posted by shyguy4217 on April 20, 2003 at 00:08:35:

What is a good first chameleon?
A good first chameleon has to be the veiled chameleon, C. Calyptratus. another choise is the Panther chameleon, F. Pardalis.

What is the cage size/temp/humidity needed?
Size | Temp | Humidity
Veiled: 2'x2'x4foot | Basking 100*f | 60%+
Panther: 2'x2'x4foot | Basking 90-95*F | 80%+

Can you handle them?
I wouldnt recomend it, they stress really easy. You can if you want, but it has said to shortern life span.

How big do they get and how do they live?
Both panthers a and veileds get pretty big, males been about 18inch.. females much smaller. how do they live?, i dont really understand.

Do you know of any reliable breeders where I can buy one?
i dont know any, but other people will, try Kingsnake Classified's.

Your welcome :P


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