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Re: Male or Female?

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Posted by StevetheVeiled on April 18, 2003 at 19:24:25:

In Reply to: Re: Male or Female? posted by jusmebabe on April 18, 2003 at 18:12:26:

as for panthers, i have read that males are also supposed to have a 'split' or 'V' at the front of the ridge, on their head. i'm not exactly sure how early it would be possible to tell the difference in sexes by this method, but the males also have a hemipenal bulge at the base of the tale.

:Depends what species your talking about. In Veilds the male has little spurs on the back of their foot and females don't. It present from birth but no always very pronounced.
:As for panther chameleons it's a different story. Generally you have to wait around 4-6 months to see the color difference. Males start to develope brighter colors and females usually a dull brown with round cirkces on the body. It varies from local to local so i can't give specifics..


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