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Re: What to breed?

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Posted by Brock on April 18, 2003 at 04:00:55:

In Reply to: What to breed? posted by bigschtick25 on April 18, 2003 at 02:32:03:

Veileds are your best bet, sorry to say. I would recommend panthers over anything, but you said you don't want to spend the money, so that leaves that out of the question. Jacksonii are definately not a beginner-breeder-cham, they neonates are extremely fragile up until 6 months of age.

But, if you are looking to make money out of it, which is the exact wrong thing you should be looking at when breeding anything, go for the panthers. But, you sound like you are just after the cash, if this is so, please, please do not breed anything. Only when you have done months of research and have everything set up before you get into anything, can you get into breeding; breeding should be for the purpose of learning how they reproduce, a way to learn the life cycle, not to just 'put them on the market'.


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