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Kim you are awesome. thanks :)

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Posted by chimbakka on April 17, 2003 at 16:21:25:

In Reply to: Re: Some people! posted by icequeen on April 17, 2003 at 16:04:28:

:I've been in those situations before too. One's where you really are about your friends, but it breaks your heart to go to their house, because you can't stand to see how they treat their pets.
:All you can do is make your suggestions...risk them resenting it, and either move on, or continue the friendship.
:I've actually gone so far as to remain friends, but to NEVER go to thier house because it makes me so sad.
:I have to honestly say though...that if a person treats their pets like that, the core of thier personality is probably not very LIKEABLE anyway.
:I'm sure these people truly believe they are being KIND to thier pets...but when there are so many that they can't be cared for like they deserve to be, then there's a problem.

:Don't be too hard on yourself Lindsey. They'll either simmer down, and maybe actually LISTEN to your points, or they will do what they want to do (which is the most probable).

:Just know you are doing what's right for YOUR pets at least.

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