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Re: Latest on Zoe...UGH!...the bugger! (it's a long one!)

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Posted by anson on April 15, 2003 at 12:46:54:

In Reply to: Latest on Zoe...UGH!...the bugger! (it's a long one!) posted by icequeen on April 14, 2003 at 00:12:55:

Hi. I just wanted to give you some words of encouragement. Don't give up on Zoe just yet. I would keep force feeding him as long as he needs it. I would cut back some on meal worms and increase the amount of Very Well Gutloaded Crickets. Try adding some bee pollen to your gutload. I have a male panther Cham named Salvador that would not eat on his own for MONTHS. Don't try to make him eat on his own by making him hungry. It takes a lot of strength for them to be able to shoot their tongue. It is a good sign that Zoe shows interest by looking at the food. Zoe may be saying I'm hungry mom but I can't get them myself right now and I need your help. I would not lessen the amount you force feed to make Zoe hungry. You need to get Zoe to optimum health first. Salvadore started eating on his own even when I was force feeding him a large amount of crickets. Make sure you crush the crickets heads before putting them in Zoes mouth. I removed the large legs also to make it easier to digest. I will never forget the day Sal started eating on his own again. A friend of mine found a large green grasshopper and I went to show it to Sal not expecting much and before I could even get it close to him he had zapped it out of my hand. Try silkworms at they will ship and have them year round. Also try their Goliath hornworms. Ask for small ones they grow super fast. Try getting on the net on an insect classifieds. Maybe you can find someone selling grasshoppers or post an ad looking for grasshoppers.
Wishing you and Zoe the best of luck. Sonia

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