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glad to hear the good news... :) n/p

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Posted by tanyacska on April 15, 2003 at 12:18:16:

In Reply to: Orion is getting better! A few ?s posted by chimbakka on April 15, 2003 at 12:14:39:

:Orion ate a cricket today! On his own, from the sour creme container they are in in his tank! I was sooo excited. I also got some wax worms for him yesterday. He didn't eat the one I offered today, but I will try again. I am also going to take him out again for some sun later. He is moving around lots, and has good creme and brown colours.
:I was kind of depressed yesterday. I went to the petstore in Cambridge to get him some worms, and while I was there looked at their Nosey Bes. The few that were there are from the same bunch I was looking at around the time I got Orion. I got him instead, because I had my heart set on an Ambanja. Anyway, they are about the same age as him, but FOUR times as big, at least! The male also was starting to show his blue. Orion is still just cremes, and browns, and rusts. This made me sad. I'm so happy that he ate some on his own today. I hope he starts to grow soon.
:The questions I have are about temp and humidity, as always. When he was sick I raised his basking spot to 90*F. I also kept the humidity up around 80-90%, but with a lot of work. Now I am keeping the basking spot around 85%, and so far he seems to be ok. Is this adequate? I have read anywhere from 85-95, on various sites, and so some clarification would be appreciated! :)
:As far as humidity goes, I can easily keep his cage around 70% between his 3 daily mistings. Is this ok? Ihave also read conflicting info on humidity. Some say 80%-90%, others say for CBs that 50% is fine.
:Thanks a bunch!

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