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Panther laying infertile(?) eggs>>>>>

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Posted by tortusjack on April 13, 2003 at 13:32:39:

Albeit that we've never actually seen her copulate with any of the males (2) offered to her, she does lay around 20 eggs per clutch.
After several weeks they just "dry up", before you say that I'm keeping them too dry, I have tried several batches at differing moisture levels but the same thing happens each time.
The yolk inside is a solid entity, the shell also looks like a squashed football.

On the assuption that the males are infertile/show no interest, is there anything I can do to "tempt them"?

At what time of her cycle should I be placeing them together?
I've tried a multiple of times, males (2) & conditions but each to no avail.

Am I destined to have them stay "sterile" on me?


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