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Re: Silkworms... more q's

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Posted by charm_paradise on April 09, 2003 at 19:01:59:

In Reply to: Silkworms... more q's posted by Krackaboy1 on April 09, 2003 at 16:08:56:

Yes that is silk webbing not mold! The worms won't try to get out of there container, unless they run out of food! I feed mine every day. They sure do grow fast! I use the lids for the container, but I drilled 6 small holes in the top of the lid, one in each corrner and two in the middle, this seems to work great for me. I dont use anything to heat the worms, just when I am hatching them I use an incubator for the first week, but I am in San Diego, CA. Hope this helps!


:There seems to be a lot of webbing in the perti-dish. Is this "silk" or is it mold? It looks like spider-webbing, but I don't know if they lay silk trails or anything... I think it's almost the day-6 changing container day. Lost count of days... Anyway, am I supposed to seal the sweater box, or leave it open inside the 10 gallon tank that I'm using to keep them warm in? I assume they can climb glass if they can stick to the top of the petri-dish so well... Just ah, gimme some pointers here... I wanna move them into the sweater box tonight, cuz they're crowding the hell out of eachother.


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