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Re: Ambanja babies dying

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Posted by Bill_Strand on April 08, 2003 at 10:47:55:

In Reply to: Ambanja babies dying posted by tessai on April 07, 2003 at 21:18:49:

The most likely scenario in my mind is that the babies are stressing each other. If the group in the screen enclosure are dying like the ones in the aquarium then it suggests it is not an artifact of aquarium pitfalls (over-heating, too moist, etc...) unless the screen group got a bacterial infection while they were in the aquarium. If this is the case then the only solution is to seperate them into individual containers.
Some clutches can stay in a group setting for the beginnings of life and some can't. This comes fom a combination of the clutch's personality and the keepers husbandry skills.
I had a clutch of deremensis that I seperated into four groups. Three groups peacefully co-existed, but the fourth was absolute trouble. Not even seperating out the biggest ones helped. It seemed none of that group could be around any others. This would be a case of personality.
It could also be your husbandry. Some things that can hasten the time that you will have to seperate babies are 1) Not enough food for all of the babies 2) not enough cover for the babies to get out of visual range of each other 3) not enough basking sites for all the babies. When you set up any condition of competition the babies will compete and there will be winners and losers

Or it could be that life-size poster of Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin you have posted over their cages.

Bill Strand

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