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NI(UK) Press: Python post

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Posted by W von Papineäu on May 16, 2003 at 11:20:45:

BELFAST TELEGRAPH (Northern Ireland) 10 May 03 Python post (Ciaran McGuigan)
A Belfast businessman got the S-S-S-SHOCK of his life . . . when he received a giant SNAKE in the post.
The man was confronted with the monster 7 foot carpet python, after opening a package delivered to his company, last month.
Sunday Life understands that the potentially-lethal fanged reptile, which feeds on whole rats, was placed inside a crate, and delivered to the man's east Belfast business address.
When Sunday Life called on the Belfast company, we were told that the man did not want to comment on the sinister package.
It is unclear who sent the snake to the businessman, though it is believed the package also contained a note addressed to the man. Carpet pythons can be bought legally in reptile shops, and can change hands for up to £300 ($490 U.S.).
While cops are aware of the incident, they are not investigating the matter.
A PSNI spokesman last week said: "Police are aware of a report of a snake addressed to a man at commercial premises, on the Castlereagh Road, being received, on April 30.
"Police arranged for the snake to be collected by a representative of the USPCA.
"At this time there has been no complaint lodged with police by the recipient of the snake, therefore police are not investigating."
The snake is now being looked after by the USPCA at its facilities, near Bessbrook, until a suitable owner is found.
Alan Ward from the USPCA said: "It is very aggressive snake and can give a very nasty bite, but it's not venomous.
"It is a constrictor, and could kill a small child.
"No one should have one of these, unless they are very experienced dealing with snakes."

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