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Not having a clue about striped genetics...

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Posted by Katt on May 14, 2003 at 03:30:28:

In Reply to: Katt, regarding your post/pic below posted by paul kemes on May 13, 2003 at 15:08:27:

I admit I don't know the genetics of striping in coastals as I've heard that it's co-dom, or related to incubation, or recessive By sorta co-dom I was really trying to relate my lack of knowledge of what exactly is going on with striped coastals, then saying there's a "sorta co-dom" category.

As for genetics, please don't be insulting, there is no need. I have taken a genetics course in university and do Punnet Squares in my head. If I knew for sure that my coastal was carrying a co-dom trait, I'd be able to say, she is certainly co-dom. As she's too young to breed, I can not based on her offsprings appearance draw a conclusion as to her inheritence. I think the only thing I did wrong here was be lazy and conveied a not so clear message.

Was there not a way to better extract a more clear answer. Was the insult really necessary?


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