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Baby JCP taming

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Posted by arklier on May 13, 2003 at 02:31:44:

I bought two female JCP hatchlings at a reptile show last year. They are not my first, I have a 3 year old male named Skeeter, and a 2 year old female named Skooter. The new ones I've decided to name Peach and Zelda. Zelda is like my other two when they were hatchlings. She's calm, loves to climb around on my hand, investigate my hair, try to reach out for my glasses, ect. Peach, on the other hand, is a little hellion. Whenever she sees me, she goes into a defensive posture, and if I try and pick her up (even with a hook) her pupils get enormous, and she spends the entire time coiled up to strike. She has bitten me a few times, but she's only 24" so it's not a problem, yet. How can I tame her down?

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