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Posted by Tim Schroeder on April 29, 2003 at 00:51:41:

In Reply to: I think it's size more than age. n/p posted by JakeM on April 27, 2003 at 10:27:00:

It seems that the jungles I'm feeding weekly(growing more quickly) are getting their yellows in more quickly than their siblings getting fed every two weeks. Its definitely not enough to state it for sure, but what I'm seeing reflects color development related to size.


::A question for the more experienced herpers out there, Jungle colour peak between 2 and 3, well most do i think. Is it the age of the snake that causes the colour change or the number of sheds it has had.Example you had 2 snakes that were identical hatchlings and were to eventually colour up the same,if you powerfed one(hence shed more often) and slowly fed the other one(hence shed less than poerfed one), would the powerfed one colour up first or would they colour up both at age 2 lets say because of their age.

::May be a stupid question but i really dont have an idea, i would think that it would be the number of sheds? I donno?




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