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Morelia clastolepis (Mollucan python)

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Posted by Jaymz on April 28, 2003 at 09:22:52:

In Reply to: Mollucans posted by carpetguy on April 28, 2003 at 07:14:52:

there really arent any care sheets on them. pretty easy to care for, just amazingly difficult to get to breed. acclimating scrubs do best in proportionately small rubbermaid boxes with adequate vntilation. the same holds true for babies. standard python temps of 78 on the cool end to 88 on the warm end and a baskin spot of 95 or so. scrubs are high humidity animals, the easiest way around this for all snakes is to provide a rubbemaid box full of moistened long fiber sphagnum moss, a hole cut in the lid allows access, make sure the hole is around 3 times the girth of the snake at its thickest point. newspaper makes the best substrate, some branches for clmbing and they will climb. also be aware that mollucan pythons can be very fast and very territorial, they are also amazingly intelligent and will pick up on your routine. also...they are not all bright yellow, most are actually brownish with lots of yellow on them, they also change colors (with mood too), but more with age, they go from red as hatchlings to yellow/brown and as they mature they keep darkening, females especially...usually to a very dark brown animal with only a hint of yellow...but theyre still nice animals to work with, i love mine..ill love her even more as she gets closer to the 9 to 14 feet shell eventually be.

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