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Normal feeding habits for Jungle Carpet

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Posted by DarciGibson on April 25, 2003 at 18:39:41:

In Reply to: Normal feeding habits for Jungle Carpet posted by WesleyB on April 25, 2003 at 16:20:34:

Thankfully Carpets are pretty average in care for the most part. You can feed them about a frequently as you do any other large snake. If they get a decently sized meal( depending on their size) every two weeks they do great. Best of luck:)...

:I did a search in the archives, and I hope this isn't a repeat. I recently got Jungle Carpet Python, about 4.5 feet long. I'm sure it can go a long time without much to eat, but what would be a normal diet in terms of amount and frequency? Thanks for any help! The only snake I've owned prior to this is a Calf King - pretty easy to care for - and I want to make sure I provide the most ideal conditions I can for the new guy.

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