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Sounds Good........

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Posted by Kyle Koski on April 24, 2003 at 00:33:12:

In Reply to: Piece of cake man...... posted by Jeff Favelle on April 23, 2003 at 23:14:47:

Unfortantly I have only delt with lizards and never heat tape whata explain a little about that one?? THX> Kyle

P.S. You guys must get sick of newbies huh?!?!?

:Here's what I've found to work the best (keep in mind that a room with an ambient of 78-82F is pretty much essential):

:Cages are 3 x 2 x 1.5, all but the largest old-a$$ female can live fine in these. Down the left side (doesn't matter which side) I run the 4 inch heat tape. I stack the cages 5 high, so a strip that is 8 feet does all 5 cages in a row!! Then, in each cage, also on the left side, I place a branch diagonally with a 25W light bulb. No cage over the bulb is necessary at this low wattage. With the room at an ambient of 80F, the cages were perfect in their temperature range for Jungles. Add an extra heat pad for gravid females to sit on in the spring. Furnish the cage how you see fit and they'll breed like flies man. No kidding.

:Here's some old pics of the 1st setup I had in this style. It works like a charm.



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