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Let's look at Diamond x Jungle Carpets...more

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Posted by AnthonyCaponetto on April 23, 2003 at 16:29:23:

In Reply to: Let's look at Diamond x Jungle Carpets...more posted by Jeff Favelle on April 23, 2003 at 16:02:41:

:Ha ha, people are buying Jaguar Carpets because they are pure McDowelli?

:Ha ha, tha's the best one I've heard this week.

I never said that, so save your laughter. They're buying Jags because they are a freak of NATURE, not a man-made hybrid.

:And McDowelli are cheaper than Jungles. Just not the Jag versions.

Go ahead and breed normal McDowelli with Cheynei and see how much you get for them. I'd say about $75 if you're honestly representing them...and if you're lucky enough to find that many people that would even want them.

:And when you cross a Diamond and a Jungle, you use female Jungles. You don't waste the female Diamond. So there's no loss in revenue (actually a small gain).

If you breed a $1,500 male Diamond to a $150 female have a $1,650 breeding pair that produces $85-100 DxJ babies.

If you breed two $150 JCPs have a $300 breeding pair that produces $150 JCP babies.

Even if I had a male Diamond sitting around and no male Jungles, I'd just as soon go buy a male Jungle and produce $150 Jungles instead of $85 crosses. If you produce 4 animals, you've already recouped the money spent on the male Jungle.

So, where's this small gain you're talking about?

:And when DiamondsXJungle crosses first came out, they weren't cheap. They dropped with the dropping prices in Jungles.

Jungles go for about $100-150 on average, whereas Diamond crosses usually go for no more than $85-100. There can only one reason why the DxJ babies are cheaper than's called demand. Most people would rather have a straight Jungle.

:But talking about money and snakes sucks, so.....

Yes...yes, it does, but so does more muddying up the mess of a captive gene pool that we already have.

It's nothing personal, but I really don't like the idea of already not being able to know for certain what species I'm buying, and your talk of purposely compounding this problem doesn't sit well with me.

Just my .02


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